

This paper empirically tests the intermediary effect of physical capital accumulation, human capital accumulation and technical innovation on the process of economic growth of Fujian province promoted by foreign trade via intermediary effect model and on the basis of the data of Fujian during 1990?2013. Empirical results show that the import has significant boosting effect on the two intermediary variables such as physical capital accumulation and human capital accumulation and further affects the devel?opment of Fujian economy while the export is effected by the two intermediary variables such as material capital accumulation and technical innovation, however, the import is mainly the intermediary effect from human capital accumulation while the export is mainly the intermediary effect from material capital accumulation.

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在心理和教育研究中,经常遇到调节和中介效应。模型包含不止3个变量时,可能同时包含调节和中介变量,一种常见的模型是有中介的调节模型。本文评介了文献上可以找到的五种检验有中介的调节模型的方法,逐一甄别,指出其中一些不合理之处,并推荐较好的方法。整合其中主要方法,总结出检验有中介的调节模型的流程,用偏差校正的百分位 Bootstrap 法或马尔科夫链蒙特卡罗法检验其中的中介效应,并用一个实际例子演示如何用此流程检验有中介的调节模型。
Moderation and mediation are frequently used in the research of psychology and behavior. Moderation occurs when the effect of an independent variable on a dependent variable varies according to the level of a third variable, termed as moderator, which interacts with the independent variable. Moderation focuses on factors that influence the strength and/or direction of the relation between the independent variable and dependent variable. Mediation indicates that the effect of an independent variable on a dependent variable is transmitted through a third variable, which is called mediator. Mediation addresses how that effect is produced. It is not uncommon for hypotheses about moderation and mediation relationships to occur in the same context. Models in which interaction effects are hypothesized to be mediated are appearing with increasing frequency. When a moderating effect is transmitted through a mediator, the effect is termed mediated moderation and the model is mediated moderator m

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Various forms of technology acquisition dramatically improve the technological level of Chinese enterprises and significantly affect the innovation output. In order to clarify the role of technological progress, technology progress was defined as mediator, technology acquisition was defined as antecedent. We searched the logical path of promotion of innovation output based on GMM and the results showed that the mediating effect of technological advances between technology acquisition and innovation output is significant on the national level in China. The proportion of mediating ef-fect of technological progress in the total effect is maximum between introduction of foreign technology and innovation output. But regional heterogeneity is widespread in different regions. The mediating effect of technological advances is significant in innovation process in the eastern region of China when introduction of foreign technology is the antece-dent. And the mediating effect of technol

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Objective To study the intermediary variables of ecological migrants''social adaptation and mental health,and the media-ting effect of personal resources such as coping style,mental flexibility,perceived social support on ecological migration social adaptation and mental health.Methods This study used questionnaire to investigate 309 ecological migrants''social adaptation and mental health, the influence of social adaptation on the mental health,and the mediating role of personal resources were analyzed.Results The results of the study showed that:When we studied the intermediary role of single variable in ecological migrants social adaptation and mental health,coping style and mental flexibility were significant mediators,the mediating effect were respectively 13.61%( P 0.05);While we studied the mediating effect of coping style,mental flexibility and perceived social support in the ecological immigrants society adaptation and mental health at the same time,intermediating ef

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以深沪主板上市的生物医药企业2010-2012年的数据为研究样本,以企业绩效为应变量,股权结构为自变量,研发投入为中介变量,建立回归模型,用软件 SPSS19.0作为分析工具进行了实证分析。结果显示,研发投入在股权结构与企业绩效之间确实具有中介效应。
Based on the data of bio-pharmaceutical companies listed on the main board of the Shenzhen and Shanghai in 2010-2012 year as a study sample, the corporate performance as the dependent variable, the shareholding structure as the independent variable,and R &D investment as an intermediary variables regression model was established.An empirical test was accomplished by software SPSS1 9.0.The results showed that R &D investment was of mediated effects between ownership structure and corporate performance.

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In light of the institutional variables’ endogeneity, time-lag of its economic effects and the tendency of GDP, this article gives an empirical analysis of the institution’s influence on regional economic growth with dynamic panel data models. The institution variable is stated with the integrated institution variable and five sub-institution variables respectively. The result shows that tendency of regional economy growth is distinctive. Contribution of integrated system variable on econo-my growth is in sequence:the east, the west and the central area. Non-state-owned economy development played an important role in regional economy growth differences. Government and market’s relationship in the west contributed most to economy growth. Market intermediary and legal environment variable had no significant performance nationwide or in all regions.

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This paper introduce the perception of organizational politics ’ conception on the basis of organizational politics, summarizes the different views of scholars about the perception of organizational politics ’ structure and introduced the perception of organizational politics’ measurement tools. The perception of organizational politics’ independent variable, dependent variable, mediator, moderator were summarized, and the future direction were proposed.

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We research the impact of macro economic fluctuation on credit risk of commercial banks by the macro stress test model .We choose Non-performing loans in commercial bank as the measurement of credit risk .Use Logit equation transferring it into an intermediate indicator which could reflect the default probability of banking system.And then establish linear regression model with kinds of macroeconomic variables and the each vector autoregression analysis with macroeconomic variables .At last.We get the distribution of Non-performing Loans rate under macroeco-nomic stocks through scenario analysis and Monte Carlo stimulation method .The results show that these macroeconomic have significant impacts on the Non-performing Loans of commercial banks.Meanwhile the Non-performing Loans of commercial have increased with different extents under the given scenario pressure.

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Social capital, as an objective situational factor of public project, could compensate for the drawbacks of the for-mal system and improve management performance for public projects. This paper studies the effect of the three dimensions of social capital on management performance, introduces knowledge sharing as mediating role based on controllable factors of public project management performance, and constructs the hypothesized model of ‘social capital→the mediating vari-ables→public project management performance’ in public project, and then carries out an empirical study. The results of structure equation modeling (SEM) show that knowledge sharing plays a role of intermediary function in the influence rela-tion between social capital and public project management performance, Each component of social capital has an indirect positive effect on public project management performance at different degrees.

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As the representation of social contradictions, collective action in China typically involves mass incidents, which refer to the conflicts between certain civilians and local administration. A group member engages in collective action any time that he or she acts as a representative of a group and when the action is directed at improving the conditions for the entire group. This research focused on the motivation mechanism underlying collective action in different intergroup threat (i.e., realistic threat and identity threat) by using a survey (study 1) and an experiment (study 2). The main purpose of study 1 was to investigate the mediated effects of groupefficacy (one pathway) and group-based anger (another pathway) on the relation between intergroup treat and collective action intention. Moreover, study 2 explored the moderated effect of group identity in the dual-pathway model. The results indicated that: First, both group efficacy and group-based anger were mediators of the relati

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